Nurturing Faith, Building Connections

Our small groups offer a nurturing environment for you to deepen your faith, connect with fellow believers, and grow in your understanding of God's Word. Whether you seek in-depth Bible study, meaningful discussions, or simply a place to share your journey, our small groups provide a welcoming community. Together, we explore the richness of our faith and strengthen the bonds that unite us in Christ's love.

Community Crafting Group: Comfort and Compassion

Several years ago, a group of dedicated women from our church came together to form a small knitting and crocheting group with a beautiful mission—to create prayer shawls that offer comfort and healing to those in need. What started as a modest gathering has blossomed into a source of profound care and support within our church community.

Our group has grown over the years, and our loving hands have extended their creative talents even further. In addition to crafting prayer shawls, we now create various items for Align Life Ministries. These heartfelt creations include baby blankets, stuffed toys, fleece blankets, baby hats, and sweaters.

In the past two years, we've expanded our efforts to bring warmth and comfort to premature babies and their families in the NICU at UPMC. We've been crafting even more baby blankets, hats, and crocheted octopuses to provide a touch of comfort during challenging times.


Prayer Shawl: Quilters Unite

In addition to our knitting and crocheting group, we have a vibrant community of quilters among us. They meet every first Tuesday of the month in the church's social room (basement) from 9am -12pm. If you're interested in this meaningful project or want more information on how to get involved in our mission, please don't hesitate to reach out. Carol is here to answer your questions at


Learn About Biblical Citizenship

In today's world, our children are not always taught Civics in the classroom, and our nation's history, rooted in God's word, is often overlooked. The consequences of this omission are profound, as the challenges we face today were foretold through Biblical teachings thousands of years ago. Without a foundation in God's word, we risk repeating the same mistakes of the past.

The hope for our country lies in Christians discovering the truths of the Bible and applying them to our culture with love. Biblical citizens require knowledge of these principles and how to apply them to the world around us. Join us as we embark on an eight-week study of "Biblical Citizenship in Modern America." Our sessions begin on Saturday, September 30, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, and will continue every Saturday through Saturday, November 18.


Supporting Ascend Ministries: Bringing Wholeness to the Hopeless

At St. Jacob's Kimmerlings Church, we are committed to being a beacon of hope and healing in our community. That's why we proudly support Ascend Ministries (formerly Teen Challenge) in their mission to combat drug and alcohol addiction. Ascend Ministries is a faith-centered drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment center that offers a path to recovery through faith and love.

If you or someone you love is struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction, we encourage you to start your journey of hope and healing today. Reach out to one of the caring admission professionals at Ascend Ministries by calling 844-888-8085. Alternatively, you can contact our church for assistance at 717-272-7044. Please leave a message if there is no answer, and someone from our church will promptly return your call.

Join us in making a difference, extending compassion, and supporting those on their path to recovery. Together, we can bring wholeness to the hopeless.